2.) Run the installer. Click Next at the first screen.
3.) Accept the license agreement and click next.

4.) Choose the type of installation you would like. For most users we'd recommend Typical. Click next.
5.) Choose the installation folder for EmbroideryStudio 2025. The default location is best for most users. Click next.
6.) Click Install to start installation.
7.) Allow time for the EmbroideryStudio 2025 to complete.
8.) After installation has complete choose, "Yes, I want to restart my computer now," then click Finish.
9.) After rebooting login to the same user account used for installing. You should be presented with a confirmation message that the software was successfully installed. Click OK. You are now ready to use EmbroideryStudio 2025.
10.) You are now ready to use EmbroideryStudio 2025. Look for the following icon on the desktop to open the software.